****Special Notice Teams have been formed****
Hello Spring Season Families,
Teams have been formed!!
Teams are formed but we do have a few spots left for those that want to play Spring Basketball! We still need:
- 1/2 Grade - 3 Players
- 3/4 Grade - 2 Players
- 5/6 Grade - 2 Players
- 7/8 Grade - 3 Players
- 3/4 Grade Girls - 1 player
This is notification for those that are free agents or for teams using gymtime with Alley-Oop.
If you have registered and you do not see your child on a team. Reply to this email.
To access your team page go to the Alley-Oop website www.alley-oopyouthbasketball.com , Log in, on your main page you will see your team. You can click on it and you will see your team page. Also you can download the Free TeamSnap app. If you log in to the TeamSnap app you will also see your team page. The team page will contain your roster and schedule. Teams can easily communicate with one another from the app.
Coaches should be in contact within the next 24 hours. Also a few coaches are still in the process of registering and so some teams do not have a coach listed or a schedule on their team page.
Please note: Check you practice schedule as practice start this week. Some practices start on Monday 3/6 SO PLEASE CHECK ASAP!!
Remeber to show up to practice with a ball. All players need to bring a ball.
**Important Notes about Facilities**
The Map Sports Facility
Address: 12552 Western Ave, Garden Grove
How do I find court? When you walk in there is a TV monitor look for your team name and proceed to the court. Sometimes the TV is not up and running, if that happens find a person at the front desk and they will let you know. The court listed on the schedule is just a place holder it will not be correct, the MAP assigns the court name the day of. The team will be listed in the facilities system as "Alley-Oop"
AIM Sport Plex
Address: 1718 Apollo Ct, Seal Beach, CA 90740
How do I find court? Upon entry to the facility find the staff usually in the office. They will provide the court assignments.
Stacey Middle School
Address: 6311 Larchwood Dr, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
How do I find court? When looking at the school from the parking lot the Gym will be to the left. There is a parking lot right in front of the gym so it should be very easy to find. There are two courts in the gym. One team takes one and the other team will take the other.
Johnson Middle School
Address: 13603 Edwards St, Westminster, CA 92683
How do I find court? When looking at the school from the parking lot the Gym will be to the left. There is a parking lot right in front of the gym so it should be very easy to find. There are two courts in the gym. One team takes one and the other team will take the other.
Best Regards,
Bryan Gray